Digital Marketing
We can help you with service / product positioning and crafting a digital marketing strategy to help you reach challenging business goals.
Identify your Perfect Customers
and be Visible & Ready
when they are in Buyer Mode.

Creating a Blueprint for More Inbound Enquiries
Do you want to drive more inbound enquiries for your business from online channels like Google and other search engines, social media and trusted industry websites? Perfect – that’s exactly what we aim to do when creating a digital marketing strategy.
As a data-driven marketing consultancy, we start with talking to you about your business goals and challenges.
Crucially, we then dig in to your web marketing analytics and conduct online market research (in the way of keyword search volume and trends) and competitor website analysis to see what is already working for the leaders in your field.
Playing to Your Strengths
Chances are, you already have an existing client base and at least some level of brand visibility.
By understanding how and why you have already gained some traction and why your customers like working with you, as well as who you aspire to work with, we create at least one, and usually several perfect customer personas.
Bringing in our online research and competitor analysis, we might find that how you position your products or services differs to some extent to what customers search for in real life.
We create a marketing plan for leveraging what we already have to work with, as well as developing a strategy for content marketing, SEO, and other methods to get you seen.
A bespoke digital marketing plan will be based on your overall business goals and we can either:
– agree and leave this with you, offering ongoing consultancy, analytics and support if you have in-house marketing staff or
– implement the plan for you, reporting on progress and key metrics, and discussing how things are working for you in terms of enquiry quality and quantity each month.
Core Marketing Tactics
Our plans tend to lead to 4 key components for ongoing digital marketing tactics:
1. Content marketing. The phrase ‘content is king’ has been around longer that digital marketing and is still just as relevant today. It is the fuel for your web pages, blog posts, SEO, social media, and the ability to convert visitors to enquiries when they land on your website.
2. Search engine optimisation. The people who say things like ‘SEO is dead’ or ‘it’s all about content marketing / social media (or any other new digital trend)’ are often just not getting much traffic, so they don’t know what is possible.
Google hasn’t gone away and most people looking for a product or service will do some research via search engines at some point. Those are the people in buyer mode – often the best customers – those with purchase intent.
3. Social media. While social can be more powerful for local and B2C businesses, where social media has most power tends to be in amplifying your content marketing efforts. With some level of marketing automation to save time in posting content regularly, it can help you to reach new audiences via smart targeting with hashtags and messages that will interest those perfect customers.
4. Quality referral traffic. Understanding where you ideal customers’ attention is already focused can be beneficial, as getting visibility on trusted industry websites and blogs can bring referral traffic that converts well because it comes with a level of filtering for relevance and trust if you are signposted / recommended by an industry authority.
Free Initial Consultation
Don’t worry – there’s no hard-sell because we don’t have any salespeople – just a marketing consultant and a small team of specialists – the people who do the work.
Get in touch for a free, initial discussion about your business goals and your marketing strategy / implementation requirements.
We’ll help you to identify your Perfect Customers and be Visible & Ready when they are in Buyer Mode.